Frequently Aasked Questions

  • Question- What does the Cordura Wrap offer for benefits?

Answer- Cordura Wrap adds 3 primary benefits, 1. Sweat Mitigation, when you sweat and plain Kydex sticks to you Cordura wrap does not. 2. Adds friction to your waistline to prevent unwanted shifting of your holster, yet is super comfy and soft to the skin. 3. It just looks Bada**

  • Question- How Durable is Cordura Wrap?

Answer- While Cordura wrap for IWB is a relatively new concept the testing we have done shows it is very durable.

  • Question- Why does my holster not have a loud click?

Answer- This can vary upon the light and gun combo. If the gun is the same or close to the same width dimension of the light such as Glocks with TLR7 its difficult to get the click without making tolerances so tight it could damage the gun finish however there will be a slight click.

  • Question- Why is there a gap at the trigger guard?

Answer- This only concerns light bearing holsters, there has to be enough space there to safely holster the gun and accommodate the light. If the gap was any smaller you could potentially snag the trigger causing a ND.

  • Question- Whats your Lead time?

Answer- Leads times are posted on the top banner....look up

  • Question- What's the difference between the Guardian and Hydra?

Answer- The Guardian uses a single Monoblock clip, The hydra uses 2 separate clips.

  • Question- Whats your Refund/ Return policy?

Answer- Scroll to the bottom of the page where is says refund policy...